Saturday, January 10, 2009

I wish I was silent too

how desperate this silence is
how useless these words
I wish I was silent too.

how madly my heart beats
how maddening this heart
I wish it was silent too.

how slow this night how silent
how frosty everything frost everywhere
I wish I was silent too.

everything so sad so silent so desperate
how silent the night how slow
I wish it was the last day.

when will the day of reckoning come
how slow in coming how silent everything is
I wish I had no hope.

how silent this silence is and how loud too
how loud everything is the silence speaks
I wish I was silent too.


Purnima said...

I wish I was silent too :(

Roxana said...

I imagine this turned into a song, I imagine myself listening to it in the night, or in a dimly lit cafe... I imagine...